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August 23, 2010

The Work of Karen Student Network Group (KSNG)

The KSNG was formed in July 6th, 1996, on the assumption that students and youths must play a key role in the struggle for a free and democratic Burma and must be prepared as the future leaders. The purpose of the KSNG is to provide activities for Karen youths that will unite and mobilize them to fight against the current regime in Burma, which ahs excluded true representation of the Karen people in political processes.

The KSNG is on of the first Karen student organizations in Karen history to organize youth into one large network group, instead of fragmented and isolated groups. Today, the KSNG comprises ten student-working groups with a membership of over 3,000 students, and operates along the Thai-Burmese border.  Most of the KSNG members live in the Karen refugee camps, while some live in Thailand and abroad.

KSNG General Election is held every two years and it is done through a democratic process. In executive committee, there are five main people like Chairperson, Vice chairperson, Secretary and Joint secretary, and treasure.

Our Ideolog
KSNG believes that justices are important for peace in Burma. KSNG believes that justice means equality in all aspects of gender, economic, ethnic rights, polities and social.
Mission To create better under standing among Karen student and youths for united political goals and objectives, so they will be prepared to lead the Karen people toward aunied, democratic, on-racist, non-sexist, and prosperous Burma.In keeping with this mission, the KSNG functions with a constitution written and approved by its members, and uses the democratic process in all aspect of its organization.
Policy KSNG is an independent students group and will function as an independent organization according to the virtual of the Karen community as a whole.
Aims and objective
  1. To seek out local educational opportunities for Karen students.
  2. To prepare Karen students for future leadership position.
  3. To learn a bout and understand the social, economic and political events.
  4. To take an active part in preserving and promoting Karen culture and literature.
  5. To organize the youth to gain trust among each other and build self –sufficiency and self relianc

KSNG Radio Program

Project Goal

KSNG believes that news is an empowering tool for the Karen community because it provides them with knowledge about what is happening throughout the world.

The Karen Student Network Group aims to increase access to news and information in refugees’ native language through daily radio broadcasts in Karen language in every refugee camp radio station along the Thai-Burma border also internally displace areas inside Burma.

By engaging community leaders, activists, intellectuals and academics, KSNG will help Karen people determine their future leadership.  

Objectives of the Community Radio Program

  • To broadcast news in Karen language
  • To include news and features on the issue which affect the community in the area of political, health, environment and culture
  • To conduct talk show or debate to raise public awareness.
  • To provide the students who work in the program with ongoing skills of radio     broadcasting media.
  • To provide up to date information source for illiterate audiences.

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